Please note that messages will be monitored regularly but not continuously. Therefore, in case of an emergency you are advised to call the appropriate emergency services, such as the hospital, dial for an ambulance and/or if appropriate contact your GP.
Location: Dr Carly Keyes & Associates Remote sessions & Face to Face clinics in Bushey, Stanmore, Wheathampstead, St. Albans, Hertford, Baldock and Bedford Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire
Opening times: We understand that that life can bring you lots of demands and committing to the same time every week may be tricky. Therefore, We try to be as flexible as we can with appointments and arrange sessions to suit you. We offer sessions day-time and evenings weekday and weekends.
Referrals: If you wish to find out more or indeed speak with me about making a self-referral please contact me by telephone, email, or complete the contact form below in order to have a free no obligation telephone consultation. You can also be referred by your GP, medical professional, or psychiatrist.